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Sedeveria ‘Jet Beads’ Care, Propagation and Growing Tips

Are you a fan of succulents with dark, almost black foliage? Sedeveria ‘Jet Beads’ may be what you’re looking for. Also known as Jet Beads Stonecrop, this hybrid has dark emerald green, purple and almost black leaves. The green color of the plant is more prominent when the plant is pampered in the shade and watered regularly.

You will see more of the darker shades of purple and black when exposed to the cold. The plant also exhibits shades of deep burgundy when placed in full sun or during extreme heat. Sedeveria plants are hybrids of sedum and echeveria plants.

Sedeveria ‘Jet Beads’ are easy going plants that will add interest and beauty to your garden. Their adaptability, ease in care and propagation also add to their appeal. Find out more about care, propagation and many more right here.

Sedeveria ‘Jet Beads’ Care, Propagation and Growing Tips

Are They Indoor or Outdoor Plants?

Sedeveria ‘Jet Beads’ can be grown both indoors and out. The most important thing for these plants is to provide them with a well draining potting mix and adequate sunlight, whether indoors or outdoors. All of my Sedeveria ‘Jet Beads’ are grown outdoors all year round, where they seem to be happiest. If you live in a climate where you need to bring your plants indoors for the winter, give them some outdoor time during the warmer months and they will thank you for it.

USDA hardiness zones: 8a-11b

Indoor Lighting Requirements

Place the plant in the brightest location in the house. Try an east facing window. South and west facing windows may also work. You may need to move the plant around a few times to find the best spot where it can be happiest. If the plant starts to suffer from lack of light, move to a brighter location. You would know by how the plant is growing. If it starts stretching out, that means the plant is not getting enough light. This process is called etiolation. The plant is literally seeking more light. This produces weak and stunted growth.

To keep them really happy, they need approximately 4-6 hours of bright light per day. These plants will not tolerate poor lighting for prolonged periods of time. If your indoor space does not receive adequate lighting no matter where you move the plant, consider using a grow light. Grow lights can help supplement your plants’ lighting requirements especially during those long, dark winters. Here are some of my grow light recommendations.

To read more about this topic on indoor lighting for succulents, check out my post on “Proper Lighting for Succulents Indoors” to get some helpful tips.

Outdoor Sunlight Requirements

Sedeveria ‘Jet Beads’ prefer light shade to full Sun. They do best in areas that receive plenty of bright, partial sunlight. They can also tolerate full sun but needs to be acclimated to full sun to prevent sunburn. Less mature plants and baby plants are more susceptible to sun damage than mature plants. The plant loses its dark pigmentation and becomes greener when kept in the shade for too long. Sunlight, as well as the cold weather, bring out the dark colors of the plant.

Before moving the plant outdoors or increasing the amount of sunlight it receives, you may want to acclimate the plant by gradually increasing the amount of sunlight it receives until it is fully acclimated to the more intense sun. You can start with the morning sun first because it is better tolerated by succulents than the more intense afternoon sun.

Keep in mind that even when the plant is already acclimated to full sun, it can still get sunburned during a heatwave or very intense heat. Sunshades are a real lifesaver for my plants during the intense summer heat here in Northern California where the temperatures can rise above 100℉ or 37.8℃. Here are some of my recommendations for sunshades and sun protection.

For further details and information on outdoor sunlight requirements, please visit my post “How Much Sunlight Do Succulents Need Outdoors?” to get some useful tidbits.

Sedeveria 'Jet Beads' and sedum nussbaumerianum in wagon planter

Frost Tolerance

Sedeveria ‘Jet Beads’ can tolerate mild frost and slightly freezing temperatures as long as they are not for prolonged periods of time. If you live in USDA hardiness zones 9-11, you can get away with leaving the plant outdoors all year long. I keep mines outdoors year round and they survive the freezing rain and frost we experience during the winter here in Northern California mainly because of all the bright sun we receive during the day. These plants are hardy up to 20℉ or -6.67℃. But there are days when I need to protect my plants from a sudden drop in temperature.

For those people in areas with extreme winter conditions, the best way to grow these plants is in containers. That way you can bring them indoors during winter or when there is a forecast of frost or snow. In case you can’t bring your plants in, there are ways to protect them from frost and freezing temperatures outdoors. You can use frost cloths or mini greenhouses to help them survive the cold winter. Here are some of my recommendations for frost protection.

For further tips on this topic, check out my post on “Optimal Temperatures For Succulents to Survive and Thrive”.

Soil Requirements

Succulents need well-draining soil and Sedeveria ‘Jet Beads’ are no exception. I have been using a simple, tried and tested mixture that has worked well for my plants. I use a cactus potting mix combined with perlite for added drainage. I do not use exact measurements but eyeball it to about 2:1 solution of cactus mix and perlite (1:1 in more humid areas). You can also consider making a sandy soil, which adds more drainage to the mix. This can be achieved by mixing cactus mix or potting soil with coarse sand (about 2:1 ratio). Or you can use a combination of the three materials mentioned: Cactus mix, perlite, coarse sand (1:1:1).

I get most of my materials from a local hardware store. You can also purchase them online. Here are my soil recommendations. To read more about soil for succulents, click on “Best Soil and Fertilizer for Succulents” to get more useful information.

Watering Requirements

Watering largely depends on the climate you live in. Although these plants are highly adapted to dry weather conditions, they thrive when given sufficient amounts of water, but not too much. There really isn’t a set schedule or formula on when to water succulents. My watering schedule is dictated by the very dry climate I live in.

In the summer months, I water my Sedeveria ‘Jet Beads’ as often as every 7-10 days. I cut back on watering to about every 10-14 days when the weather cools down during spring and fall seasons. During the winter season, I rely mostly on rainwater and hold back on watering altogether because this is when we get a lot of rain in my area. But if we don’t get any rain at all during winter then I water at least once a month or every 2-3 weeks, depending on how dry the soil gets.

Keep in mind that I live in a dry climate that gets really hot in the summer. For those people in humid locations, you won’t need to water as much. And if you keep your plants indoors, you do not have to water as much especially if the plants are not receiving a lot of light. Too much water and not enough light is a recipe for disaster for these plants.

One good way to tell whether it’s time to water is to check the moisture of the soil. The top inch of the soil needs to feel dry before you can water again. If you are unsure how much and how often to water in the beginning, it’s always better to underwater and increase watering as needed. Pay attention to how your plant looks and you can adjust watering accordingly.

For further help with watering techniques, consider using tools like hygrometers or moisture meters to check for moisture in the soil and air. These tools are pretty affordable and can come in handy especially if you are unsure of when to water your plant next. I have narrowed down the choices here on my resource page. Do visit the page if you need help in gauging your watering needs.

Interested in finding out more about watering succulents? Visit my post “How And When To Water Succulents” where I go into more details about this topic.

How Big Do Sedeveria ‘Jet Beads’ Get?

These stay relatively small and tend to get leggy overtime. They generally grow up to 3-5 inches (7.6cm to 12.7cm) tall and tend to sprawl and spread out as they grow. They actually look great trailing or spilling out of containers. They easily propagate and spread on their own.

Propagating Sedeveria ‘Jet Beads’

Sedeveria ‘Jet Beads’ is very easy to propagate. The easiest way is through stem cuttings. They are also easily propagated from leaf cuttings but I find stem cuttings faster and more foolproof. I have a much higher success rate with stem cuttings so I always opt for this method first.

Sedeveria 'Jet Beads' leaf rooting and growing new plant

Rooted Sedeveria ‘Jet Beads’ leaf growing a new plant

Sedeveria 'Jet Beads' stem growing roots for propagation

Sedeveria ‘Jet Beads’ stem growing roots

Sedeveria 'Jet Beads' stem cuttings for propagation

Sedeveria ‘Jet Beads’ stem cuttings for propagation

Sedeveria 'Jet Beads' stem cuttings

Sedeveria ‘Jet Beads’ stem cuttings for propagation

Sedeveria 'Jet Beads' stem propagation

Stick the dried stems in soil 

Sedeveria 'Jet Beads' stem propagation

How To Propagate Sedeveria ‘Jet Beads’ from Stem Cuttings:

  • Obtain a stem cutting and let it dry for a day or so. Let the cut ends dry and callous or seal. It is a good idea to obtain cuttings from healthy looking plants with plump leaves, not dehydrated ones or stressed plants.
  • (Optional) Dip the cut end in rooting hormone. I usually skip this step but some people prefer using rooting hormones to speed up the process and also guarantee success.
  • Once the cut has healed and dried, stick the cuttings in a well-draining potting mix.
  • Keep away from direct sunlight. Water the soil every few days or when it feels dry.

After about two weeks or so, you will notice new roots growing. After about four to six weeks, the cuttings should be fully rooted and you will soon notice new growth developing from the top or the sides of the stem. Once fully rooted, cut back on the misting and switch to regular watering about once a week or less. Increase the amount of sunlight as the plant matures.

How To Propagate Sedeveria ‘Jet Beads’  From Leaves:

  • Gently pull a leaf out, make sure you get the entire leaf including the base. You should be able to gently twist the leaf off the plant and it should come off easily. Try to find a nice plump leaf that looks healthy. It also helps to have more than one leaf just because not all of them will make it all the way to the end.
  • Optional: Dip the cut ends in rooting hormone. Rooting hormone can help speed the propagation process up, especially when growing from leaves.
  • Wait for the leaves to dry for about a day or two. Keep in a dry location away from direct sunlight.
  • Prepare a well-draining potting mix. Once dry, lay the leaves flat on the soil or stick the cut ends in soil.

The leaves should start shooting out roots in about 2 weeks or so. In a few more weeks you will notice a new baby plant emerging. The whole process can take anywhere from a few weeks to months.  As I mentioned above, it takes longer to propagate from leaves as opposed to an entire stem. The success rate is also higher with stem cuttings so do keep these in mind when propagating. If you follow these simple steps, you will be able to propagate these plants and have them growing everywhere in no time.

Sedeveria ‘Jet Beads’ Blooms

Sedeveria ‘Jet Beads’ produces attractive coral flowers that turn yellowish orange in full bloom. The bright flowers contrast nicely with the dark foliage of the plant. While it’s always a treat to see succulents bloom, keep in mind that not all plants are ready to flower, and some may not bloom at all. A lot depends on environmental factors that are beyond our control.

Sedeveria 'Jet Beads' in bloom with yellow orange flowers

Sedeveria ‘Jet Beads’ in bloom with yellow-orange flowers

Sedeveria 'Jet Beads' in bloom with yellow orange flowers
Sedeveria 'Jet Beads' in bloom with yellow orange flowers

Here are some tips on how to encourage Sedeveria ‘Jet Beads’ to bloom:

Plant Maturity

Make sure the plant is mature enough. When a plant blooms it means it is ready to reproduce. If the plant is too young, it is simply not ready to reproduce and therefore will not bloom. Give the plant some time, usually if the plant is over 3 years old and beyond, it is mature enough to bloom.

Plenty of Light

Make sure the plants are receiving adequate sunlight throughout the year and are kept in a bright location, even during colder winter months.

Proper Temperatures

To encourage flowering, provide proper temperatures. They need a distinct difference in night and day temperatures as well as summer and winter months. Succulents favor cooler outdoor nighttime temperatures of 50-55⁰F (10-13⁰C) or indoor night temperatures of at least 60-65⁰F(15-18⁰C). Especially when kept in a controlled environment, succulents prefer a marked difference between their night and day temperatures to mimic their natural habitat, with the cool night temperatures having an integral part in the plant’s growth cycle.


Overwintering is also important if you want to see your succulents bloom. This can be achieved by keeping them cool and relatively dry in the winter months, especially desert cacti.  Keep them cool during winter months with temperatures just above freezing, between 35-44⁰F (1.5-7⁰C). If kept indoors during winter, have them in a non-heated room if possible or keep the temperatures low to provide them the cold winter period that they need.

Feed or Fertilize

While fertilizing is not necessary, giving your plants the nutrients they need will help ensure proper growth and encourage blooms. It takes a lot of energy for plants to produce flowers, and feeding them extra nutrients will help supplement their needs during the flowering season. The most common recommendation is to fertilize during the active growing season, or during spring and summer months. Fertilizers are better applied at a quarter or half strength, about every two weeks. Refrain from fertilizing towards the end of the fall season and during winter months. A balanced blend of fertilizer diluted to half strength is suitable and commonly used. Fertilizer blends specially formulated for cacti and succulents are also suitable. Here are some of my fertilizer recommendations. 

Are Sedeveria ‘Jet Beads’ Poisonous?

There isn’t much information available regarding the toxicity of these plants but they are generally considered safe around pets and humans. When in doubt, proceed with caution and if you suspect poisoning, contact your local veterinarian, poison control, or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at 888-426-4435 immediately.

If you’re looking for a succulent plant that has dark foliage, easy care and bright flowers, Sedeveria ‘Jet Beads’ are a great choice. 

Wondering where you can find Sedeveria ‘Jet Beads’? Click on my resource page for ideas on where to purchase these and other succulents online. 

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Sedeveria 'Jet Beads' with sedum nussbaumerianum in a green wagon planter
Sedeveria 'Jet Beads' in a yellow boot planter
Sedeveria 'Jet Beads' in a green frog planter